How to Make a Successful Water Leak Damage Insurance Claim

Homeowner’s insurance in Australia is designed to protect us from the unexpected, like water leak damage. But when it comes to claiming from your policy, it can seem like a daunting process. To ensure your claim is successful, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make a successful water leak damage insurance claim.


Step One: Stop the Water Leak

Stopping the leak as soon as possible is essential, so you’ll need to contact a plumber to assess the damage and make any necessary repairs. It is important to do this as soon as possible, as the longer the leak continues, the more damage it will cause.


Step Two: Document the Damage

Document the resultant damage by taking photos and videos of the affected area and making a detailed list of the items that have been damaged. This is essential for your claim as it will serve as proof of the damage.


Step Three: Contact Your Insurance Company

Your insurer will be able to tell you what evidence you need to provide and will give you instructions on how to submit your claim. Most companies require you to make an online claim, but you may also need to submit a paper version. This will involve filling out a claim form, providing supporting documents, and supplying a description of the damage.


Step Four: Make Repairs

To help you make repairs as quickly as possible, your insurer may refer you to a trusted contractor. If you choose to use your own contractor, make sure to get several quotes and check the contractor’s references. However, it’s usually advisable to use the contractor suggested by your insurer, as they will be experienced in dealing with these types of claims.


Step Five: Settlement

Once you and your insurer have agreed on the amount of coverage, your claim will be settled. Depending on the policy, you may have to pay an excess or deductible amount before your claim is settled. You will then be reimbursed for the cost of the repairs, including any materials used.


For more information on leaks and their related damage, contact Aus Star Plumbing and Gas. We are your go-to experts for all water leak damage repairs and insurance claims.

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